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7th Sunday of Easter (B)
"Non relínquam vos órphanos, dicit Dóminus: vado et vénio ad vos, et gaudébit cor vestrum."
"I will not leave you orphans, says the Lord. I will come back to you, and your hearts will rejoice." (Cf. Jn 14: 18)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( MP3 ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
L. Columbkille Simms: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
SATB Setting in honor of Fr. Marty Jenco: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )
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