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3. Christmas Daytime (B)
"Dies sanctificátus illúxit nobis: veníte, gentes, et adoráte Dóminum: quia hódie descéndit lux magna super terram."
"A holy day has dawned upon us. Come, you nations, and adore the Lord. For today a great light has come upon the earth." (†)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )
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