Music For The Liturgy
published 14 February 2014
Corpus Christi Watershed
+ POLYPHONIC REHEARSAL VIDEOS • More than forty (40) sacred compositions for which each part can be practiced separately, including Mp3 files and videos.
—You can buy scores for all those pieces in the Lalemant Collection (299 pages).
+ ROMAN MISSAL, THIRD EDITION • Free musical settings of the New Translation, including composers Esguerra, Rice, Allen, Weber, Ford, Ostrowski, and many more.
+ ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENTS (NOH) • The Nova Organi Harmonia provides organ accompaniments for every piece of Gregorian chant!
+ SACRED MUSIC SYMPOSIUM (Los Angeles) • North America’s preeminent liturgical conference: Gregorian chant, sacred polyphony, and more!
+ NOËL CHABANEL PSALMS • Free Responsorial Psalm scores (organist & vocalist) for all Sundays and Holy Days — Liturgical Years A, B, C, and ABC.
+ CHARLES GARNIER ALLELUIAS • Free Gospel Acclamation scores (organist & vocalist) for all Sundays and Holy Days — Liturgical Years A, B, C, and ABC.
+ RENÉ GOUPIL GREGORIAN CHANT • Complete videos, PDF scores, audio recordings, and organ accompaniments for all major feasts of the Extraordinary Form.
+ ANTOINE DANIEL KYRIALE • Complete videos, PDF scores, audio recordings, and organ accompaniments for all eighteen Gregorian Mass settings.
Our “Ad Orientem” Article caused quite a stir, and was referenced by numerous media outlets. Several bloggers even “cut and paste” the entire article onto their blogs without permission!
A new SAB collection by Kevin Allen is something you’ll want to examine because many choirs have more women than men.
And here are some more liturgical projects:
+ ENGLISH MASS PROPERS • The Graduale Romanum has been set in English by many composers. Here are some collections with audio samples.
+ COMPOSER KEVIN ALLEN • Numerous scores by Kevin Allen, leading composer of sacred choral music, including compositions for SATB, organ/voice, and equal voices.
+ LALANDE LIBRARY OF RARE BOOKS • Freely download more than 25,000 pages of incredibly rare books dealing with Gregorian chant in PDF format.
+ LAUDATE COMMUNION ANTIPHONS • A full set of free English settings of the Communion antiphons for cantor, organ, and congregation — Andrew Motyka, Composer.
+ SIMPLE ENGLISH PROPERS VIDEOS • This page will soon be complete. It contains links to all the SEP practice videos. which were commissioned by the CMAA.
+ LALEMANT MASS PROPERS • The Graduale Romanum in English set to psalm tones for all Sundays and Solemnities, including 45 fully pointed Psalms for Singers.
+ THOUGHTS ON ENGLISHING THE GRADUAL • Quite an interesting article on the challenges of composing Gregorian chant in English.
+ RELIGIOUS CLIPART FOR BULLETINS • We are releasing hundreds of these stunningly beautiful drawings for free and instant download each week.
+ CHURCH MUSIC ASSOCIATION VIDEOS • If you love Sacred music, you won’t want to miss these marvelous videos, produced by Corpus Christi Watershed.
+ CARDINAL NEWMAN SHORT FILMS • Watershed assisted the Birmingham Oratory with media work leading up to the Papal Visit and Beatification of Cardinal Newman.
+ SUNG VS. SPOKEN PROPERS • Why aren’t the Propers from the Roman Gradual identical to the Mass Propers printed in the Roman Missal?
+ HOW TO SING GREGORIAN CHANT • These tutorials include practice videos, PDFs, and more. Also included is basic information about clefs and sight reading.
+ RHYTHM OF THE VATICAN EDITION • Seven (7) in-depth video presentations regarding the secret rhythm of the Editio Vaticana and the Gregorian mora vocis.
+ ICEL CHANT TUTORIAL VIDEOS • Free practice videos for the new translation of the Roman Missal courtesy of the Church Music Association of America.
+ MISSA DE ANGELIS ORGAN SCORES • More than eighteen (18) different organ accompaniments to Mass VIII (“Mass of the Angels”).
“Completed Feasts” have an incomplete project with Ordinary Form Gregorian chant.
Here are a few samples of our video projects:
+ Contemporary Sacred Music: Does It Exist?
+ Can You Tell The Difference?
+ Cantiones Sacrae Simplices
+ Sacred Music Colloquium XXI
+ St. Noël Chabanel Psalms
+ In Splendor And Magnificence!