|HARD COPIES:   First Melody (Complete)   •   Second Melody (Complete)|
Feb 23rd, 2014 through Apr 24th, 2014
Sunday, February 23rd 2014: "7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)"
"Qui servat verbum Christi, vere in hoc cáritas Dei consummáta est."
"Whoever keeps the word of Christ, the love of God is truly perfected in him." (1 Jn 2: 5)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Joseph Le Caron: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Jérôme Lalemant: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Barthélemy Vimont: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Sunday, March 2nd 2014: "8th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)"
"Vivus est sermo Dei et éfficax, et discrétor cogitatiónum et intentiónum cordis."
"The word of God is living and effective; discerning reflections and thoughts of the heart." (Heb 4: 12)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) • ( MP3 ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Joseph Le Caron: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Jérôme Lalemant: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Barthélemy Vimont: ( organist/vocalist ) •
SATB Setting in honor of Fr. Marty Jenco: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Wednesday, March 5th 2014: "Ash Wednesday (A)"
"Hódie, nolíte obduráre corda vestra, sed vocem Dómini audíte."
"If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts." (Cf. Ps 95: 8)
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( video ) • ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Sunday, March 9th 2014: "1st Sunday of Lent (A)"
"Non in solo pane vivit homo, sed in omni verbo quod procédit de ore Dei."
"One does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes forth from the mouth of God." (Mt 4: 4b)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 5 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Sunday, March 16th 2014: "2nd Sunday of Lent (A)"
"In splendénti nube, patérna vox audíta est: «Hic est Fílius meus diléctus; ipsum audíte»."
"From the shining cloud the Father’s voice is heard: This is my beloved Son, listen to him." (Cf. Mt 17: 5)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 5 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Wednesday, March 19th 2014: "19 March, St. Joseph"
"Beáti qui hábitant in domo tua, Dómine, in saécula saeculórum laudábunt te."
"Blessed are those who dwell in your house, O Lord; they never cease to praise you." (Ps 84:5)

Sunday, March 23rd 2014: "3rd Sunday of Lent (A)"
"Dómine, tu es vere Salvátor mundi; da mihi aquam vivam, ut non sítiam."
"Lord, you are truly the Savior of the world; give me living water, that I may never thirst again." (Cf. Jn 4: 42, 15)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 5 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Tuesday, March 25th 2014: "25 March, Annunciation"
"Verbum caro factum est et habitávit in nobis, et vídimus glóriam eius."
"The Word of God became flesh and made his dwelling among us; and we saw his glory." (Jn 1:14ab)

Sunday, March 30th 2014: "4th Sunday of Lent (A)"
"Ego sum lux mundi, dicit Dóminus; qui séquitur me, habébit lucem vitæ."
"I am the light of the world, says the Lord; whoever follows me will have the light of life." (Jn 8: 12)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 5 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Sunday, April 6th 2014: "5th Sunday of Lent (A)"
"Ego sum resurréctio et vita, dicit Dóminus; qui credit in me non moriétur in ætérnum."
"I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will never die." (Jn 11: 25a, 26)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 7 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 5 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Sunday, April 13th 2014: "Passion (Palm) Sunday (A)"
"Christus factus est pro nobis oboédiens usque ad mortem, mortem autem crucis. Propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum: et dedit illi nomen, quod est super omne nomen."
"Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name." (Phil 2: 8-9)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Alternate Texts: ( insert ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) • ( insert ) •
Arlene Oost-Zinner: ( vocalist score ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Thursday, April 17th 2014: "Holy Thursday (A)"
"Mandátum novum do vobis, dicit Dóminus, ut diligátis ínvicem, sicut diléxi vos."
"I give you a new commandment, says the Lord: love one another as I have loved you." (Jn 13: 34)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Thursday, April 17th 2014: "Chrism Mass in the Morning (A)"
"Spíritus Dómini super me: evangelizáre paupéribus misit me."
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he sent me to bring glad tidings to the poor." (Cf. Lk 4: 18)
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Friday, April 18th 2014: "Good Friday (A)"
"Christus factus est pro nobis oboédiens usque mortem, mortem autem crucis. Propter quod et Deus exaltávit illum: et dedit illi nomen, quod est super omne nomen."
"Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name." (Phil 2: 8–9)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Alternate Texts: ( insert ) •
Option no. 6 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
Arlene Oost-Zinner: ( vocalist score ) •
Option no. 8 during Lent: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
Option no. 1 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Option no. 3 during Lent: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Le Jeune: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( vocalist score )

Sunday, April 20th 2014: "Easter Sunday (A)"
"Pascha nostrum immolátus est Christus, ítaque festa celebrémus in Dómino."
"Christ, our paschal lamb, has been sacrificed; let us then feast with joy in the Lord." (Cf. 1 Cor 5: 7b-8a)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Joseph Le Caron: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Jérôme Lalemant: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Barthélemy Vimont: ( organist/vocalist ) •
SATB Setting in honor of Fr. Marty Jenco: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )