|HARD COPIES:   First Melody (Complete)   •   Second Melody (Complete)|
Jun 5th, 2011 through Aug 4th, 2011
Sunday, June 26th 2011: "Corpus Christi (A)"
"Ego sum panis vivus, qui de cælo descéndi, dicit Dóminus; si quis manducáverit ex hoc pane, vivet in ætérnum."
"I am the living bread that came down from heaven, says the Lord; whoever eats this bread will live forever." (Jn 6: 51)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( vocalist score ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
L. Columbkille Simms: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Joseph Le Caron: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Jérôme Lalemant: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Barthélemy Vimont: ( organist/vocalist ) •
SATB Setting in honor of Fr. Marty Jenco: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Kevin Allen: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )

Friday, July 1st 2011: "Sacred Heart of Jesus (A)"
"Tóllite jugum meum super vos, dicit Dóminus, et díscite a me quia mitis sum et húmilis corde."
"Take my yoke upon you, says the Lord; and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart." (Mt 11:29ab)
Aristotle A. Esguerra: ( MP3 ) • ( vocalist score ) •
In honor of holy William Couture: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Reginald Cardinal Pole: ( insert ) • ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Paul Ragueneau: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) • ( video ) •
Fr. Samuel Weber, OSB: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. François Bressani: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chaumonot: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Claude Dablon: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Pierre Chastellain: ( organist/vocalist ) •
In honor of Fr. Barthélemy Vimont: ( organist/vocalist ) •
SATB Setting in honor of Fr. Marty Jenco: ( organist/vocalist ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist ) • ( organist/vocalist )