|HARD COPIES:   First Melody (Complete)   •   Second Melody (Complete)|
Jun 10th, 2010 through Aug 9th, 2010
Tuesday, June 22nd 2010: "12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A)"
"Spíritus veritátis testimónium perhibébit de me, dicit Dóminus; et vos testimónium perhibétis."
"The Spirit of truth will testify to me, says the Lord; and you also will testify." (Jn 15: 26b, 27a)
In honor of holy William Couture: ( insert ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( video ) •
In honor of Fr. Simon Le Moyne: ( video ) • ( organist/vocalist ) • ( insert ) •
Royce Nickel: ( organist/vocalist )